The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region” indicates a flagship project for the development of the Baltic Sea Region into a globally leading and prosperous “Health Region” using the ScanBalt BioRegion as a model.
The flagship is entitled the ScanBalt Health Region (SBHR) – Cross-Sectoral and Transnational Projects for Innovation in Health and in Life Sciences.
Download the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the accompanying Action Plan following the links to the right in the menu.
About ScanBalt Health Region:
The purpose of ScanBalt Health Region is to:
(1) bundle regional competences within health and life sciences
(2) elaborate, align and integrate smart specialization strategies meeting the needs of metropolitan and rural regions
(3) promote a professional, trans-regional, service based collaboration platform
(4) connect the interests for collaboration and interaction within different areas related to health
(5) enhance branding and visibility in order to attract and retain human, financial and industrial resources.
ScanBalt Health Region is to be regarded as a model for a macro-regional health and bio economy.
How ScanBalt Health Region works
The SBHR serves as an umbrella for a multitude of coordinated activities applying to shared visions and values and utilizing a common communication and coordination structure.
Otherwise the individual activities acts independently.
Wants to join ScanBalt Health Region?
Contact the ScanBalt Secretariat.
ScanBalt News
17 March 2025
LifeScience4EU Conference 2025 | 15-16 May | Krakow