Bo Samuelsson, Chairman of the ScanBalt Exec.Co, will present ScanBalt at BIOnale 2004, Maastricht

Bo Samuelsson, Chairman of the ScanBalt Exec.Co, will present ScanBalt at BIOnale 2004, Maastricht

At the BIOnale conference in Maastricht ScanBalt will be presented by Prof. Bo Samuelsson, the ScanBalt chairman, in a session entitled ‘Creating Successful Bioclusters’. ScanBalt will be presented alongside a variety of other clusters, mainly from the biotech sector, with the intention of leading discussion on how to form EU clusters and what the pitfalls are.

As well as giving the opportunity to learn from others experiences this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to a pan-European audience the momentum and success that ScanBalt has gained in a relatively short time.

The BIOnale website can be visited here.

The session webpage can be viewed here.

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