Current Topics in Bioinformatics 2022: AI and modelling techniques for fighting infectious diseases | 13 June 14:00-19:30, Berlin
Event Date: 13 June 2022
The fight against the Covid-19 epidemic has yet again shown how important AI techniques can be for biology and medicine. In this year’s edition of the Current Topics in Bioinformatics we thus want to focus on applications of bioinformatics, data science and modelling in infectious disease and, in particular, for understanding and fighting Covid-19. A wide range of techniques is currently contributing to this. On the molecular level, classical bioinformatics techniques like phylogeny construction and protein engineering are important. Dynamical and stochastic modelling is key to understanding the spread of the disease. Data science is needed to make sense of the plethora of indicators that are being collected, be it in the clinic or on a societal level. The workshop will highlight several aspects of this interplay of disciplines.
2 pm
Steering Committee & Cluster Health Capital
2.15 pm
The Data Donation Project – How wearable sensors can help in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis
Dirk Brockmann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Robert Koch Institut
2.45 pm
Building large virus phylogenies using serially sampled genomes
Prabhav Kalaghtagi, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
3.05 pm
SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics revealed by wastewater sequencing analysis and deconvolution
Altuna Akalin, Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)
3.25 pm
Coffee Break
4 pm
Data science for COVID research and in policy design
Max von Kleist, Robert Koch Institut
4.20 pm
‘Synthetical Clinical Trial’ to predict a COVID-19 treatment
Marco Schmidt, GmbH
4.35 pm