ScanBalt BioRegion

ScanBalt BioRegion is composed of the health and bio-economy communities in Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, northern Germany, and the northern Netherlands.

The capacities

There are more than 3000 companies, 50 health care clusters and networks,  75 health care sector science parks and  60 universities  active in ScanBalt BioRegion

The drivers

The demographic shifts with ageing populations and the rise in chronic diseases and comorbidities is a major driver of the healthcare sector throughout the Baltic Sea Region.

Additionally large-scale modernization and expansion plans are in the pipeline in the hospital sector across the region.

The market

The BSR is among the most dynamic healthcare markets in Europe.

Especially in the areas of nursing, geriatric and psychosocial care, palliative medicine, preventative medicine, rehabilitation, sport, wellness, health and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).

The demand for medical supplies and services is growing at an above-average rate.

The employment

The growth of employment in the health sector is more dynamic in the entire BSR than that of employment overall.

The demand for health sector employees is anticipated to continue growing significantly.

The competencies

The regional clusters in the region can match globally leading clusters within selected disciplines when collaborating.

The various modes and profiles of the clusters mean they can complement each other for mutual benefits.

The strategic choice

The health economy offers a strategic opportunity to help build a knowledge-based sustainable economy able to meet some of the grand societal challenges of the individual regions and the BSR.

The interaction with bio economy

The grand societal challenges are not restricted to single regions, sectors and disciplines.

A focus on health and health care thus needs to include the environmental challenges affecting health like clean air and water, non-fossil sources of energy,  healthy nutrition and sustainable agricultural production.

More back ground information

For more background information on the region we recommend reading:

Macro-Regional Development and the Health Economy: Practical Experiences, Models and Concepts for Macro-regional Collaboration between Regions and Clusters

The Health Economy in the Baltic Sea Region Challenges and Opportunities, a Market-Analysis


ScanBalt members: