10 Marie Curie Research Grants: Sensing Science (Lifescience/medical), Sweden
10 positions for researchers, who are non-Swedish citizens, have been announced at Linköping University through the Marie Curie programme.
The research positions are in:
-Tethering and supporting lipid bilayers
-Infrared ellipsometry-based sensors
-Studies of protein-protein interactions with focus on chaperone sensing of misfolded proteins
-Nanoparticles as sensing material in SiC-FET chemical sensors
-Physiology camera for cell culture characterization
-Functional expression of odorant and taste receptors in a melanophore cell line
-Nanoparticles produced in cavities of protein molecules
-Nanoparticle Assemblies for Biosensing Applications
-Protein Microarrays
-Surface interactions between adsorbed bio-molecules and nanosized transition metal oxides in sensing systems
The closing date is the 20th May, 2005.
For more information, and detailed notes on each position, clickhere.
For specific information on this Marie Curie action click here.
“Sensing Forum” at Linköping University, Sweden, is primarily built on two existing organizations. Forum Scientium that is a multidisciplinary graduate school within Life ScienceTechnologies and Biomedicine with an emphasis on Sensing Science, and S-SENCE that is a Swedish Centre of Excellence in Bio- and Chemical Sensor Science and Technology.
The research in the early stage training programme is chosen to allow a multidisciplinary approach to scientific questions within the sensing science area. The main research area concerns multisensorsystems, e.g. electronic noses and electronic tongues.
Biosensors based on synthetic peptides, as well as DNA and protein arrays using molecular electronics are examples of research projects well aimed for the students participating in the proposed programme. The work includes both exploratory projects as well as application driven projects with industry. In all areas there are ongoing high-level research, which will secure that a fellow choosing to work in any of these areas, will be given excellent supervision and support.
News Source: Prof. Carl Fredrik Mandenius, Linköping University