2nd International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2021: Adaptation to Climate Change”, 20-21 May 2021 (online)
Event Date: 20 May 2021
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme’s project “Unlocking the Potential of Bio-based Value Chains in the Baltic Sea Region” (BalticBiomass4Value) is happy to invite you to the 2nd International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Bioeconomy Development 2021: Adaptation to Climate Change”, which will be held online on 20-21 May 2021.
On the 20th of May during the morning session, participants will have the opportunity to hear the keynote speakers from Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Dr. Lucia Rocchi, an Italian scientist conducting research in the fields of economics, sustainability, biodiversity, ecosystem, and circular economy, will introduce the participants to the circular economy and SDGs, their connections for a more sustainable development model. Dr. Martin C. Th. Scholten, an advisor for science diplomacy to future food and nature policies from the Netherlands, will focus on climate-resilient food production in a sustainable bioeconomy and adaptive agricultural practices based on circular resource management. Dr. Gerald Schwarz, who has a 15-year background in agri-environmental and rural policy analysis, will introduce the participants to the governance and sustainability implications of agroecological transitions. The presentations will be complemented with valuable discussion on sustainable bioeconomy development.
On the 21st of May, the conference will begin with the panel discussion, which focuses on the potential scenarios of the development and market uptake of biofuels, biofertilizers, and bioplastics. Environmental, technological and economic factors will be discussed with the leading researchers and bio-based industry representatives from Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, and Sweden.
Perspectives of biofuels will be explored with Dr. Vincent Eijsink, Professor of the Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and Ahto Oja, Member of the Board of “Balti Biometaan” that was founded with the aim to develop the production of biomethane as a motor fuel in Estonia and the Baltics. Adoption of innovative and sustainable bio-based solutions in agriculture will be discussed with Dr. Audrius Gegeckas, Head of R&D Department at Lithuanian company “Bioenergy LT” that provides innovative and sustainable high-biotech solutions improving crop productivity and maintaining soil biological activity, and Dr. Gustaf Forsberg, Senior Specialist of Swedish company “ThermoSeed Global” that offers innovative, highly efficient and environmentally friendly seed treatment technology. Meanwhile, Dr. Inga Matijošytė, Senior Researcher and Head of Applied Biocatalysis Sector at the Institute of Biotechnology of Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre, and Dr. Irena Vitkauskienė, Business Development Consultant at Lithuanian company “Plastiksė” that manufactures plastic packaging products for beverage, food, cosmetic, chemical and medical industries, will share their insights about the future of plastics.
As the transition towards more circular and bio-based economy requires new business models that change the way the enterprises conduct their business, the second part of the panel discussion will be dedicated to the discussion on good practice business models for sustainable bioeconomy development. Dr. Ants-Hannes Viira, Senior Researcher and Director of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, will present results of the recent study on such business models conducted by the BalticBiomass4Value project.
More information: https://sbd.vdu.lt
Registration: https://sbd.vdu.lt/for-participants/registrations/
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