8 more calls for proposals from Marie Curie
The European Commission has published eight calls for proposals
under the Marie Curie Actions of the Sixth Framework Programme. The details are as follows:
– Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships ( in the work programme)
Budget: 65 million euro; closing date: 16.2.2005;
– Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowships ( in the work programme) Budget: 20 million euro; closing date: 19.1.2005;
– Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships ( in the work programme) Budget: 20 million euro; closing date: 19.1.2005;
– Marie Curie Excellence Grants ( in the work programme)
Budget: 40 million euro; closing date: 16.2.2005;
– Marie Curie Excellence Awards ( in the work programme)
Budget: 250,000 euro; closing date: 16.2.2005;
– Marie Curie Chairs ( in the work programme)
Budget: eight million euro; closing date: 16.2.2005;
– Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants ( in the work programme) Budget: ten million euro in 2005, 13 million euro in 2006; closing dates: 19.1.2005; 19.4.2005; 19.7.2005; 19.10.2005; 19.1.2006; 19.4.2006; 19.7.2006. This is an open call and proposals will be evaluated in batches.
– Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants ( in the work programme) Budget: ten million euro for 2005, 13 million euro for 2006; closing dates: 19.1.2005; 19.4.2005; 19.7.2005; 19.10.2005; 19.1.2006; 19.4.2006; 19.7.2006. This is an open call and proposals will be evaluated in batches.
For more information click here.