AgroBiotechnology Focused on Root Microbe Systems – ScanBalt Network Update
The research project “Enhanced control of Potato mop-top virus in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region” that is run under the AB-RMS network (AgroBiotechnology focused on Root-Microbe Systems) had the the first meeting of the project consortium at the University of Helsinki, Finland, on February 25-26, 2005. There were 22 scientists from the 20 institutes of the 10 countries involved in the project.
The goals of the project are described as improved diagnostics of Potato mop-top virus (PMTV), defined knowledge of the geographic distribution, alternative hosts and mechanisms of transmission of PMTV, and development of improved resistance against PMTV in potato. The means to carry this out are utilisation of the latest biotechnology methods and molecular tools, enhanced expertise in working with soil-borne diseases, and emphasis on research training. The project constitutes a platform for institutional collaboration within the Baltic Sea region including a total of 20 universities and research institutes and seven private enterprises.
The first AB-RMS symposium and postgraduate course with 75 registered participants, of whom 35 are PhD students, will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, on May 20-27 (homepage:
Read more about the AB-RMS network here.
News Source: Jari Valkonen, Network Coordinator