Alliance of the leading Nordic technical universities, 2 are ScanBalt members

Alliance of the leading Nordic technical universities, 2 are ScanBalt members

Leading technical universities join forces in the Nordic Five Tech alliance -2 are ScanBalt members.

The Nordic Five Tech is an exclusive strategic alliance of the leading Nordic technical universities.

The alliance consists of:

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), Helsinki, Finland
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark

The Nordic Five Tech brings together 60.000 Bachelor and Master students, 4.500 PhD students and 7.500 scientists. The alliance takes advantage of the strong competencies in the Nordic region within education, research and innovation.

The need for united forces among the universities is paramount, if the Nordic region shall maintain and improve its international position within research and education. The Nordic Five Tech is a starting point for a new united effort.

The complementary strengths within the Nordic Five Tech alliance enable students at the five universities to achieve top qualifications within specific areas. The alliance is a strong brand in the international recruitment of students, and an attractive cross-border partner for industry and society in research and innovation. In the long run, the Nordic Five Tech will be an attractive partner for other leading technical universities globally.

The Nordic Five Tech is lead by a Rectors Committee. An action plan for 2007 is now under preparation.

Nordic Five Tech


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