Analysis of Genomic Research Supported Under FP5
The Commission services have taken the initiative to ask a panel of external experts to carry out an analysis of the implementation of genomic research funded as part of FP65, thematic programme ‘Quality of life and management of living resources’ (QoL) . The aim of the panel was:
– to analyse the extent to which the original objectives of the genomic research aspects are being met;
– to analyse the impact of the genomic aspects of the programme on the various research communities involved;
– to analyse the anticipated benefits of the genomics research aspects of the programme for the users and potential beneficiaries of the research;
– to assess the European added value of the programme;
– to suggest lessons to be learned for future programmes.
The document is available from the Documentation Service of DG Research. The ISBN number is 92-894-6286-8, it is available in English, is free and is 169 pages long. Contact them at .