Baltic Rim Economies, Newsletter, June – Positive trends overall.
Baltic Rim Economies, Newsletter, June 2006
Read about.
Estonia’s rapid economic growth continued and record low unemployment
Latvia: GDP in the first quater expanded 13.1% and increased investments flow into Latvia
Lithuania: GDP grew by 8.8% in the first quarter and export grows faster than imports
Poland: High GDP growth in first quater and the business climate is increasingly favourable
Including expert articles on:
- – Estonia’s Path to Euro Area
- – Third Wave Co-operation Needed in the Baltic Sea Region
- – Focus on St. Petersburg
- – The Kaliningrad Oblast and Co-operation in the Baltic Region
- – The Importance of Higher Education to Attract Investment and Contribute to Sustain Economic Growth and Competitiveness in Kaliningrad
Baltic Rim Economies, Newsletter, June 2006