Baltic Sea Health Region Meeting – successfully established as the international forum at Germany’s National Health Conference
(Photo by Danny Gohlke)
The Baltic Sea Health Region Meeting (BSHR) has established itself as a prominent platform for experts in science and business in the Baltic Sea Region. The 3rd meeting since 2011 was realized this July as the international session of the “Nationale Konferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft”, July 10-11th, 2013, in Rostock. More than 600 experts from medicine and health authorities and science attended this important national and international convention which was opened by German Federal Minister for Health, Daniel Bahr, outlining the German health policy in his keynote speech.
This year’s BSHR meeting was focusing on “Building International Bridges in Health and Life Sciences beyond Baltic Sea Region” with case studies from Stockholm, Krakow, Rostock, Dubai, Moscow, Karlsburg, Smolensk, Bahrain and Fujairah. The participants discussed the developments in innovative medicine in the Baltic Sea Region and the challenges in cooperation with partners in the Emirates and Russia for the benefit of the patients. How to reach partners in foreign countries? How to deal with cultural differences? Russia and Arabic countries are very attractive markets which have a great demand for innovative medical diagnostics and therapies with a primary focus on life style diseases like Diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
A study tour was organised to selected “hot spots” for innovative medicine in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, e.g. to the Campus Diabetes Karlsburg, one of the oldest diabetes hospitals in Germany established in 1930, and to the universities in Greifswald and in Rostock with their competences in molecular and regenerative medicine, epidemiology and demography (“Study of Health in Pomerania – SHiP”). A visit to a typical German rehabilitation hospital in Bad Doberan, focusing on the therapy of patients after orthopedic surgery complemented the program for the international guests.
“The BSHR Meeting was very successful this year thanks to the excellent presentations of our guests. It is a well accepted platform at the Nationale Branchenkonferenz and we see an increasing demand for international cooperations.” stated Wolfgang Blank, Chairman of ScanBalt and managing director of BioCon Valley Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
(Photo by Danny Gohlke)
(Photo by Danny Gohlke)
From left to right: Dr. Gankovyc, OA Moorbad Bad Doberan; Dr. med. Peter Kupatz, Ärtzlicher Direktor und Chefarzt Moorbad bad Doberan; Prof. Hans-Jürgen Ebel, Geschätsführer Dr. Ebel Fachkliniken; Prof. Stolkow; Prof. Stolyar, Head Department Telemed Moskau; Vladimir Kovalev, Association Innovativer Regionen Russland, Büro Berlin; Rainer Grimm, Geschäftsführer Moobad Bad Doberan, Dr. Heinich Cuypers, BioCon Valley GmbH.
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