Become a personal supporter of “The Baltic Sea region as one test site for development of health care products and services” and promote your professional profile
The Baltic Sea region is taking steps towards being an interconnected test site for the development of health care products and services, read here. This is a huge benefit for SMEs which faster and easier can bring their innovations to the market and it improves the health care offered to patients. For the regions it means more efficient use of existing research and innovation infra structure and economic development. As a personal supporter you receive a number of benefits.
– Name and job title listed on a special personal supporter page on, see here.
– Link to personal web page and/or linkedIn profile
– Can contribute with information and news to be published in ScanBalt News (approx. 20.000 subscribers) upon editors approval
– Link to supporter page brought in each issue of ScanBalt News
– Receive ScanBalt News 4 times/year
– Receive ScanBalt EU Research Digest with information on grant and support opportunities 4 times/year
– Receive discounts on conferences, events and publication equal to members of ScanBalt
How to do:
The annual contribution is 25 EUR to be paid to account belonging to ScanBalt® fmba, Allegade 14, 2000 Frederiksberg (DK):
Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2-12, 1092 København K, Denmark, Reg no: 9570 Account No: 3001509764, IBAN DK66 3000 3001 5097 64, SWIFT DABADKKK.
Please forward your name, job title, link to personal web page and/or linkedIn profile to . You may of course omit any of these informations if you prefer and can also choose to be annonymous.
In order to ensure your supporter status will be listed please do not forget to provide information on your name and mark the payment “Supporter” as information to the receiver when doing the bank transfer.
Immediately after payment has been received you will be listed as a supporter. See list of supporters here.
We would like to thank you for your support to “The Baltic Sea region as one test site for development of health care products and services”!