Bio-Venture Academy: Warsaw, 22nd March
The Bio-Venture Academy is an intensive and highly interactive entrepreneur coaching programme designed to provide up to 25 selected biotech start-up CEOs and project leaders in the EU’s New Member States and Accession countries with significant practical feedback and learning on how to enhance their business, partner and/or investor propositions and presentations.
This new initiative is organized by Europe Unlimited (BE) in collaboration with IESE Business School (ES) and VIP Park (CZ) and supported by the European Commission Life Sciences Programme.
Interested to participate as a presenting company, please register here before 9 March 2005 or contact Fiona Mc Gibbon by phone on +32 2 643 36 89 or by email: .
Thanks to the support of the European Commission, there is no registration fee involved.
Visit also our website for more information:
Read more here.
ScanBalt will publish further information about forthcoming events.
News Source: E-Unlimited