Biomarker commercialization in the Baltic Sea Region
Nine partners in the Baltic Sea Region have applied for an interregional project related to the commercialization of biomarkers (BiC). Based on knowledge and experience sharing, the partners want to create and stimulate synergies between industry, cluster organizations and research institutions across the Baltic Sea Region. The goal of the project is to increase the commercial potential of biomarkers discoveries.
Biomarkers can predict, diagnose and provide information on individual’s health. Biomarkers discovery is an area becoming increasingly important in research and industry, giving rise to new areas of diagnostic and treatment. This area could form the foundation for new innovative drivers for both researchers, enterprises and SMEs. Nonetheless, the challenges for market uptake of these innovations are significant, as the development and commercialization of biomarkers is time consuming, difficult and expensive.
The project consortium intend to involve industry earlier in the development and commercialization process of biomarkers and develop tools providing guidance to research institutions when selecting the most relevant biomarker discoveries and conduct a development plan that meets early requirements from industry. Together, the partners want to define the downstream pathway from research, validation, development to the market, co-created with industry in order to speed up the process and create successful spinouts.
A BiC platform and the tools will be transnationally available via Scanbalt Business Club beyond the project period
The BiC tools will include:
- a Biomarker Development Tool
- a Screening and Selection Guide
- a Framework for Technology Translation into clinical setting
- Business Model Templates
- BSR Biomarker Platform, Technology presentation and match making tools
Biomarkers Market – Global Forecast to 2020 : the global biomarkers market expects to reach a market share of $45.55 Billion by 2020 of which healthcare and R&D expenditure are the key growth drivers.
BiC Consortium partners
Ideklinikken at Aalborg University Hospital, the University of Turku, Finland, The University of Vilnius, Lithuania, and the 6 innovation clusters Biopeople (Denmark), BioCon Valley (Germany), Turku Science Park (Finland), Tartu Botechnology Park (Estonia), WroclawTechnology Park (Poland) and ScanBalt covering the Baltic Sea Region.
For further information contact:
Valerie Daussin Laurent
Ideas Clinic, Region Northern Denmark
+45 97 66 62 97 (Dir)
+45 53 33 83 87 (Mob)
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