Biotechnology in the Baltic States
Biotechnology in the Baltic StatesThe three Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania are seen by most as economic tigers: Their growth rates are large and their bureaucracies small, all of which aimed at attracting foreign investors. In the sphere of biotechnology, the picture is decidedly less rosy. Lithuania has the advantage of being a scientifically orientated capital city with historical and established research institutes, but the city is home to only three, albeit successful, private biotech companies. Latvia, on the other hand, is home to a much larger scene, which is now seeing the creation of a number of pharmaceutical production facilities as well as moving towards some form of consolidation as a national association. Estonia, with a handful of different companies, is looking much the same – tightly coupled with state research institutes and concentrating above all on molecular-biological services. The overall picture shows that the Baltic States are at the earlier stages of development. The future path depends above all on money – hardly a trivial matter for any country, whether in public or private initiatives. All three of the Baltic States see their best hopes in trans-national networks, both in the Baltic see region and in Europe.
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3 September 2024
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