BOOST BIOSYSTEMS: New thematic cluster launched in ScanBalt BioRegion
BOOST BIOSYSTEMS: New thematic cluster launched in ScanBalt BioRegion.
1 October 2006 a new EU co-financed project was launched: Boost Biosystems.
The project will boost collaboration of SME and academia by initiating R&D consortia within Biosystems and by creating platforms for players network the players , this will provide the base for a thematic Biosystems cluster in the ScanBalt BioRegion. Biosystems is a cross disciplinary field of biosystems technologies
Biosystems technologies
Biosystems technology is a cross disciplinary field and players come from several sectors. The lack of interaction between players and the general lack of knowledge of users (clinicians), suppliers (including academic suppliers of specific assays) and markets impedes the introduction of innovative biosystems technologies to the sectors.
These technologies are presently not adequately implemented in big industry, SMEs and clinical routines, leaving a huge potential between suppliers and users of biosystems technology which has not yet been developed.
The interplay of academic institutions and SMEs is seen as key in this value chain by serving as a motor of innovation and transfer of knowledge and technology from academia to industrial development and production and least to the clinic. In order to be part of and add value to these new technological developments, regional competences must be accumulated to create critical mass in a trans-regional, transsectoral and trans-disciplinary way.
Project results
The Boost Biosystems project will involve 400 players in Biotechnology, Biomedicine and Microsystems technology and host up to 5 seminars/workshops for SME and academic players held in the regions reaching 200 participants (SME, big industry, academia).
Boost Biosystems will host up to 4 transnational events/conferences reaching 200 participants for introducing biosystems technologies and creating a network of all relevant actors and promoting the identified RTD potential for SMEs and offer active partnering
Boost biosystems will assisted SMESs in individual sessions for FP 7 proposals
Contact persons:
Frank Graage, Steinbeis Transferzentrum Technologie-Management Nordost
Lise Vinkel Clausen, ScanBalt
6 project partners
Steinbeis Research Center, Germany – Frank Graage
ScanBalt – Lise Vinkel Clausen
Tartu Biotechnology Park, Estonia – Andrus Tasa
Norgenta GmbH, Germany – Hans Kuhn
Culminatum Ltd, Finland – Riikkaa Paasikivi
Center of Technology Transfer, Poland – Katarzyna Podhajska – Średniawa
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