Boosting Baltic FP6 Kicks Off in Vilnius, Lithuania
The kick off meeting for Boosting Baltic FP6took place in late October in Vilnius, Lithuania. Present were representatives of the seven organisations involved in the project, Steinbeis Foundation, Swedish R&D council, ScanBalt, Archimedies foundation, Latvian NCP, Lithuanian NCP and the Polish NCP.
The meeting not only allowed the future of the project to be discussed but also saw the delivery of the first workpackage, a competency mapping of the NCPs involved in the project. The presentation of this data not only provoked a useful discussion but also led to a number of key conclusions, including recognition of a requirement for trans-national cooperation and the need for an increased link between scientists and entrepreneurs. This meeting is the start of a series of workshops and seminars to increase the competences of the NCPs and scientific community within the Baltic region.
The meeting was preceded by a trip to the Lithuanian Institute of Biotechnology, which included a visit to Fermentas, a R&D company specialising in molecular and bio-technology.
The meeting was held in conjunction with the kick off meeting for the CompetenceRegion project, details of which will follow shortly.
Read more about Boosting Baltic FP6 here.
ScanBalt News
3 September 2024
LSX Nordic Congress 2024 | 8-9 October | Copenhagen, Denmark