Bridge BSR: Unexploited synergies within Life Sciences in the Baltic Sea Region
The future success of the Baltic Sea Region greatly depends on the region’s ability to overcome and turn the current challenges into new opportunities. Key stakeholders such as public authorities, research institutions, private life science companies, cluster organizations and investors should be encouraged to form partnerships in order to improve sharing of knowledge and resources. This will promote taking benefits from unexploited synergies in the countries around the Baltic Sea – Top of Europe.
This is the key conclusion from the report “Regional Innovation Strategies for Bridging Academic Research and SME´s” prepared for the EU FP 7 project Bridge-BSR by Medicon Valley Alliance ( Senior Business Analyst Peter Aksel Villadsen from Medicon Valley Allience says: “The Baltic Sea Region has a very impressive commitment to research and development. However in particular the Universities in the east Baltic Sea region needs to focus more on technology transfer and commercialization. A major obstacle is the lack of early stage financing. By mentoring, use of best practices and sharing resources across borders the Baltic Sea Region can strengthen the position as the leading place for life sciences in Europe”.
For more information on the report “Regional Innovation Strategies for Bridging Academic Research and SME´s”, contact Senior Business Analyst Peter Aksel Villadsen, Medicon Valley Alliance, at or phone +45 29604143
For more information on the EU FP 7 project bridge-BSR contact General Secretary Peter Frank, ScanBalt, at or phone +45 27141078
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