Call for Expressions of Interest for EuroBioForum Helsinki 2006

Call for Expressions of Interest for EuroBioForum Helsinki 2006

Deadline 4 September 2006

Over an initial period of three years, EuroBioFund will organise a major conference on an annual basis, ‘EuroBioForum’, which targets leading scientists and high-level delegates from public and private funding organisations.

EuroBioForum has a number of key objectives including:
1) providing a forum for life science research consortia to promote their ideas for pan-European large-scale research programmes to funding organisations,
2) creating the conditions for networking and decision-making that could ultimately lead to trans-national funding of such programmes from multiple sources, and
3) bringing together funding organisations to discuss synergies and address future life science challenges in a coordinated manner.


Target groups for EuroBioForum:
1) Leading representatives from the following organisations
–  Research-Funding Organisations
–  Patient and Consumer Organisations
–  Academies
–  Public/Private Foundations
–  Charities
–  Bioscience Industry
–  Intergovernmental Agencies
–  Pharmaceutical Industry
–  Research-Performing Organisations
–  National Innovation Agencies
–  S & T Government Representatives
–  Foundations
To pre-register for EuroBioForum in Helsinki 2006, fill in anapplication form

2) Life science research consortia are invited to submit proposals for research programmes addressing ambitious and challenging research objectives that demand a pan-European strategy
Life science researchers can attend via an Expression of Interest Application –
Deadline 4 September 2006

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