COST call open for proposals to support Scientific and Technical Collaboration in Europe
COST open call for Proposals to support Scientific and Technical Collaboration in Europe
COST invites researchers throughout Europe to submit proposals for research networks and use this unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and to embark on new European perspectives.
COST’s main objective is to stimulate new, innovative and interdisciplinary scientific networks in Europe. COST activities are carried out by research teams to strengthen the foundations for building scientific excellence in Europe.
Deadline for preliminary proposals is 31 May 2006.
Full Proposals will be invited by 30 June 2006 for submission by 15 September 2006. The next collection dates is expected to be 30 March 2007.
COST invites proposals for new COST Actions contributing to the scientific, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe. Proposals involving young groups’ ideas are especially welcome.
Every year approximately 50 new Actions will be approved. On average financial support of some € 90.000 p.a. as grant for normally 4 years can be expected.
Since 1971 COST brings together research teams in different countries working on specific topics. It finances networking of nationally funded activities in supporting meetings, conferences, short term scientific exchanges and outreach activities. COST does NOT fund research itself.
Currently more than 200 Actions are supported.
COST open call information page