Cross-border data transfer of eHealth data in the Baltic Sea Region: BFCC session at the 8th Annual Forum for the Baltic Sea Region Strategy

Cross-border data transfer of eHealth data in the Baltic Sea Region: BFCC session at the 8th Annual Forum for the Baltic Sea Region Strategy

logo-bfccOn EU level the topic of electronic health data is of great priority. The Commission, in its eGovernment Action Plan, has declared its support to Member States in the development of eHealth services that also enable cross-border exchange of e‑prescriptions, telemedicine and tele-monitoring solutions.

The BSR holds a high potential to become a role model for the rest of Europe in eHealth and electronic health data transfer. However, there are also challenges like  discrepancy between the states in the behaviour towards eHealth and cross-border data exchange.

Electronic data does not flow freely between most of the BSR members states due to different barriers like lack of awareness, lack of trust and lack of legal clarity. A “connectivity” of eHealth in the Baltic Sea Region via cross-border exchange of electronic health data could create value for the BSR by opening new possibilities for patients, healthcare service providers, businesses, governments and the wider public through research and development.

A common approach across all BSR countries would be needed to establish the BSR as a front runner in eHealth which will contribute to the wellbeing and health of its citizens.

The workshop will address the questions ‘What should be done on BSR level?’; ‘What should be done on member state level?’ and ‘What could be done by patients’ and doctors’ organisations?’ to overcome the barriers that stop the free flow of eHealth data.

Furthermore the results of the workshop will contribute to a paper of the EE EU presidency about ‘How to improve eHealth on an EU level’.

The session is organised by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Project “Baltic Fracture Competence Centre – BFCC” (, Lead Partner: Life Science Nord Management GmbH) with support of ScanBalt fmba ( and the eHealth for regions Network (

The session will take place during the 8th Strategy Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region 13 – 14 of June in Berlin.


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