Deep Dive in Hannover
Event Date: 10 September 2019
Get market insight, network and feed-back on your product in Germany within the field of Digital Health & Care.
Digital Health & Care 4.0 supports Nordic SME’s to bring Nordic health tech and digital care to the German market.
Clusters from the 5 Nordic countries and the German cluster, Gesundheitswirtshaft Hannover (GWH), are organizing a fact-finding trip to Germany. The trip will take place September 10th-12th, 2019.
Due to the close cooperation between Gesundheitswirtshaft Hannover and the 5 Nordic clusters, the travelling participants will gain valuable insight into the needs and challenges of the German market for Digital Health & Care, as well as getting the opportunity to receive feed-back on how products meet potential partners.
Prepare for the Deep Dive
The Deep Dive in Hannover is a part of a larger Nordic – German cooperation. During pre-seminars and Digital Health & Care 4.0 has provided important insights that are useful when you prepare for the Deep Dive – should you have missed out, you can still get access to the videos by contacting Michelle Møller Esbensen, Welfare Tech: .
You get:
• 3 day programme
• Visits to German nursing homes, homecare providers and hospitals
• Insights to challenges and demands in the healthcare institutions
• Opportunity to pitch
• Match to German companies
• Access to relevant German – and Nordic network
Price: It is free to participate but you are expected to cover your own costs for transport, hotel and consumption. There is a cancellation fee of 150 Euros.
Remember! – the sooner you sign up for the Deep Dive in Hannover, the more likely we are to match the programme and matches top your specific needs.
Preliminary Programme for Deep Dive in Hannover
Tuesday, September 10th 2019
16:45 Pitch, beers and Nordic networking (venue will be informed later)
18:45 Nordic network dinner (venue will be informed later)
Wednesday, September 11th 2019
8:00 Field visits to Health & Care operators (venues will be informed later)
13:30 Arrival of GWH members (venue will be informed later)
13:45 Presentation of challenges and demands within Digital Health & Care
16:00 Pitch & Rating of Nordic solutions – are they relevant in a German healthcare setting?
17:30 Facilitated matchmaking and networking
19:00-22:00 Facilitated networking dinner for all participants
Thursday, September 12th 2019
9:00 The healthtech environment in Hannover: Incubators, investors, start-up opportunities, and Altenpflege 2020 (Venue: Gesundheitswirtshaft Hannover, Feodor-Lynen-Straße 27, 30625 Hannover)
10:30 Option 1, Pitch and clarify: Would my solution be recognized/ be of interest for the health/care insurance company?
10:30 Option 2, Pitch and clarify: Would my solution be of interest for a hospital purchasing group? How could it become eligible?
10:30 Option 3, Pitch and clarify: Would my solution be of interest for a sanitätshau (assistive technology supplier)? How could I list my solution in the product catalogue of the sanitätshaus?
12.30 Lunch and summing up
14:00 End of programme
Publication of images and videos
When making a registration for this event you are giving Welfare Tech permission to publish images and videos of you. For more information read here.
Digital Health & Care 4.0 is financed by Nordic Innovation under the “Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges initiative”.
Link til project: Digital Health & Care 4.0
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