Denmark increases number of Ph.d students with 50% over 4 years
Denmark increases number of Ph.d students with 50% over 4 years.
Denmark‘s government has reached an agreement with Dansk Folkeparti, the Danish Social Democrats and The Danish Social-Liberal Party on research: More researchers, better infrastructure, focus on renewable energy and healthy foods.
The agreement between the government and the three parties enables a noticeable increase in public investments in research. By 2010 public investments will amount to 1 percent of Denmark‘s GDP.
“Denmark needs many good researchers- They are the ones that create new knowledge and can make Denmark a leading knowledge society,” says Danish Minister of Science Helge Sander.
After this agreement the number of PhD students will increase from today‘s 1600 to 2400 in 2010. In the same period 600 million DKK will be invested in research infrastructure.
“Danish researchers should have the best conditions to develop themselves, by for instance easy access to modern research equipment. This is the reason for our earmarked pot for advanced equipment and laboratories,” Sander promises.
Source: News on Nordic Research Policy: Political agreement on research in Denmark
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Denmark invests greatly in basic research
The Danish National Research Foundation invests 350 million DKK in basic research, and establishes 8 new research centres for a five-year period.
New research centres:
– Centre for Comparative Genomics
– Centre for DNA Nanotechnology
– Centre for Epigenetics
– Centre for Membrane pumps in cells and disease (PUMPKIN)
– Centre for Carbohydrate Recognition and Signalling
– Centre for Massive Data Algorithmics