ERACAREERS, the pan-European Researcher’s Mobility Portal
On-line since July 2003, this is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the 33 countries participating in the European Unions Sixth Framework Programme for Research.
The main purpose of this Portal is to create a more favourable environment for career development opportunities for researchers in the European Research Area by providing the necessary structured information as proposed in the Communication ‘A Mobility Strategy for the European Research Area’.
It provides access through links to a selection of international, European, national, regional and sectoral web resources covering:
– General information about research fellowships and grants
– Research job vacancies published by the different actors of the Research community (universities, industries, research organisations, foundations) and
– Practical information about administrative and legal issues when moving from one country to another as well as up to-date information about cultural and family-related aspects (housing, schooling, day-care, language courses, etc). Furthermore, the Portal provides general information about research policies relevant to the career development of researchers in Europe.
In addition to the information provided through the above-mentioned links, the Portal provides also a specific service offering:
– Research organisations to advertise their job vacancies and to search for suitable candidates for recruitment by using the “Research Job Data-Base“. This only requires registration on the Portal so that organisations can edit their job vacancies directly. The service is completely free of charge. Once approved, job vacancies are visible on section “What’s new on this site” and “Research Job Vacancies/national level/”click here”
– Researchers as well may add their CVs to the “Researcher CV Data-base”
Furthermore, the Portal gives access to the national Researchers Mobility portals which have been developed as part of this overall initiative aiming at creating a more favourable environment for researchers in Europe. Up to now, the following countries have national portals available: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Slovak Republic and UK. Other national portals are currently being developed and will be gradually accessible when on-line.
Last but by no means least, the Portal gives access to ERA-MORE, the European network of mobility centres, which offers customised assistance to researchers and their families in all matters concerning their professional and daily lives.
Visit the site here.
Visit ERA-MORE here.