Estonia is the perfect springboard for health-tech startups
As we know, Estonia is well-known for its e-developments as well as a growing source of globally born high-tech unicorn startups like Transferwise or Skype.
Being the first country to offer e-Residency — a transnational digital identity available to anyone in the world interested in administering a location-independent business online, Estonia is the perfect springboard for startups. The e-Residency additionally enables secure and convenient digital services.
What we have to offer for health-tech startups?
1) Estonia has nation-wide e-health infrastructure with 10+ years of digital health data, high adoption rate of e-health services and high level of trust towards e-services, which makes it perfect place to set up a health-tech company.
2) There is population-based biobank of the Estonian Genome Center with 5% of the population as gene donors with valid informed consent for biotech research.
3) In 2015 Estonian Government started with pilot project in area of personalised medicine, being a potential partner to many international co-operations.
4) Estonia is opening its health sector and nation-wide e-health infrastructure for the private sector. It means smooth development and testing environment for digital health and wellness solutions.
5) The health-tech cluster Connected Health, an Estonian based health network, helps you to connect with local R&D or institutional partners and find local IT vendors.
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