EU news and information on the ScanBalt website
The ScanBalt website contains a large amount of selected information regarding news, information, funding and publications originating from the European Union and European Commission.
The amount of information which is produced by the EU is vast and our aim is to provide our readers with streamlined, and time saving, access to the most relevant life science subjects. To receive more specialised information we recommend visiting theEuropean Commission site, where you can register to receive information via email.
In particular information is available on:
Grants, Funding and Calls: Funding opportunities, related to lifesciences with information on closing dates and contacts.
EU news, policy and information: More general information of interest to ScanBalt bioregion and its members.
EU Publications: Policy, guidance notes and legislation from within the EU.
Webtools and Services: Links to online services from the European Commission.
Events: Life science conferences in the ScanBalt bioregion and beyond.