“European Regional Policy will continue to support the Baltic Sea Region” says Danuta Hübner
“Strengthening co-operation in the Baltic Sea region”.
Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner attended the conference “Prosperity and Sustainability” in Visby (17 August 2006), Sweden, and delivered to deliver a key note speech on”Strengthening co-operation in the Baltic Sea region”.
The conference brings together about 250 high representatives from national and regional administrations, international institutions, and civil society and business organisations in order to discuss issues of common concern as regards the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of the Baltic Sea Region.
“European Regional Policy and the Structural Funds will continue to support the development of the Baltic Sea Region”, Commissioner Hübner said in her speech. “The transnational cooperation programme of this region is one of the most successful in the current period.
For 2007-2013, the Structural Funds’ budget for “European Territorial Cooperation” has been increased by 50% and it will provide more possibilities for cross-border and transnational cooperation in the future “.
Apart from Structural Funds’ support to national and regional programmes, the EU co-finances cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes along the borders of the EU Member States and neighbouring countries. All Member States around the Baltic Sea, as well as Norway, Belarus and Russia participate in the Baltic Sea Region transnational programme.
The projects of the programme are selected by all participating countries. During the period 2000-2006, a total budget of EUR 215 million is available and more than 120 transnational cooperation projects have been selected so far.
Source: EC press release: Strengthening cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region