Gdansk Biotechnology in the ScanBalt BioRegion – a passion for leadership and partnership in precision medicine
Gdansk’s ambition of becoming a leading Biotech Hub in Central Europe opens a new horizon for global biotech – efficient outsourcing and access to new markets. Great partnerships are the key to unlocking this potential.
With an aging population, the advancement of biotechnology and the emergence of big data analytics, there is an unprecedented opportunity to develop a new healthcare paradigm which puts the patient right at the centre of the medical team. The sun is rising on a new era of medicine – precision and personalized medicine; the opportunity to identify the risk of disease, capture it early and offer people a better prognosis. As Europe grows older this is an exciting and challenging opportunity for academic research centers and companies in the ScanBalt BioRegion.
Poland – a significant commitment to innovation and technology – Gdansk an ambition to lead Precision Medicine in Central Europe
Poland is a yearning hotbed of scientific innovation. The government is investing heavily to 2020 and beyond in scientific partnerships, technology transfer and advanced manufacturing. Poland is poised to become a leading technology transfer platform and product development hub for international biotech in the region.
The country is an economic tiger in Europe, an established regional manufacturing engine and since EU accession has become a leading global outsourcing centre for a plethora of industries seeking highly qualified skills and cost optimization. The city of Gdansk is intent on becoming Poland’s precision medicine hub with sturdy investments being made in the country’s leading Biobank, the recent opening of a unique Biotechnology Institute and the rapid construction of an ultra modern University hospital.
Precision Medicine – more than medicine a personalized approach to therapeutics
With the rise of Big Data we can now predict much more accurately what is going to happen in the future. The wealth of data sources means we can identify people at risk of developing chronic medical conditions, develop innovative diagnostic solutions and identify new opportunities for medicines with a specific focus on enhancing the value of their innovation.
Moreover IT is playing an increasingly important role in improving patient-centric healthcare. A plethora of innovative applications support diagnostics, critical test and therapeutic compliance – ensuring patients are following the right changes in lifestyle, diet and taking their medicines appropriately.
Partnerships – the key to building sustainability in Precision Medicine
Precision medicine brings multi disciplines together in a new approach. There are significant EU funding opportunities available which will enable the creation of mutually beneficial consortia of international universities, research and industry to develop new approaches to diagnostics, treatment and follow up:
- Horizon 2020
- Silver Economy
- Precision Medicine
- KETs & LEITs
- Advanced Manufacturing
- SMART Business
Gdansk – a leading biotechnology hub in Central Europe
Leading biotechnology, scientific excellence and a multidisciplinary approach which brings life science, IT and big data analytics creates a superbly innovative platform in Gdansk. Amid a plethora of development opportunities 3 stand out which could be of particular interest:
- International scientific based partnerships focused on biomarker and innovative medicines discovery
- IT and medicine partnerships – data analytics, disease profiling, telemedicine, diagnostic and compliance apps
- Outsourcing global R,D & M programs to drive efficiency – time & cost advantage
The latter opportunity confers a number of advantages to internationally minded companies – using local D & M as a route to market in Europe, CIS & MENA to accelerate growth; transferring technology to benefit from the strong skills base in CEE at the same time as potentially benefiting from government R&D incentives.
Martin Oxley, Strategic Impact,
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