Health economy conference in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern puts digitalization on the agenda
The German National Conference on Health Economy, July 2016, emphasized the digital transformation that is moving through health economy. The numerous highly relevant presentations at the conference in Rostock in July 2016 mirrored the high expectations experts see in the development of the industry.
The international session of the conference was chaired by ScanBalt Chairman Jaanus Pikani, Tartu Biotechnology Park and included a presentation by ScanBalt Vice Chair Lars Lindsköld, Region Västra Götaland.
Medical appointments using smartphones, digital communication between medical specialists, telemedical care – there are a lot of innovative applications in the health sector. A lot of times, however, they exist as pilots or insular projects only. This will soon change dramatically, as speakers such as industry expert Dr. Johannes Wimmer of the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf or Google speaker Kay Oberbeck pointed out at the National Conference on Health Economy which is organized annually by BioCon Valley® GmbH on behalf of the German Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
The advantages deriving from digital structures and processes are clearly recognized in the industry. Additional stimulus comes from the involved parties themselves who are simply expecting the adequate solutions they are used to from any other area of life. Keeping skilled labor in the region and maintaining high-quality health care in sparsely populated areas are additional topics for digital technologies.
Positive impact is expected for the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Right at the conference University Medicine Rostock and global player Philips signed a contract for an ambitious medical networks project.
The conference itself took the trend for digitalization serious: the conference proceedings were intensely follow-up via Twitter and an especially designed mobile app. In general, networking was the order of the day supported with formats like the international matchmaking, a “speed dating” bringing together stakeholders in business and research, the Baltic Sea Health Region Meeting as the conference’s international forum or the business and investors’ breakfast, that was held for the first time. Here, entrepreneurs and start-ups had the chance to introduce their ideas and concepts to representatives from business, finance, and investment. Time will tell whether one or the other idea will advance beyond this initial impulse.
Health economy in the German Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has developed into a business, employment, and innovation driver in the recent years. The industry amounts for approximately one in five jobs in the state and generated a value added of 5.1 Bill. Euros in 2014. [1].
[1] Source: Studie „Der ökonomische Fußabdruck der Gesundheitswirtschaft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“, Dezember 2015,
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