Help the Baltic Sea Region to tackle the health innovation divide
The DanuBalt project (H2020) is currently conducting an online survey with companies, innovation supporting organisations, universities, research centres and public authorities in regions categorised as modest or moderate innovators in the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2014 report (RIS 2014)
This survey is focused on identifying and understanding the importance of innovation enablers in modest and moderate innovator regions. RIS 2014 is weak in this area when compared to data available to it about innovation enhancers and outcomes.
If you work in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or Poland then help us by completing the online survey at:
By completing this survey you will contribute to developing a consensus-based framework for core and optional enablers that will help measure this element of performance and sustainability.
Deadline: Monday 8th of June.
Read more about DanuBalt: Novel Approaches in Tackling the Health Innovation and Research Divide in the Danube and Baltic Sea Region here.