InnoBRIDGE Sweden: Strengthening the healthcare collaboration between India and Sweden
InnoBRIDGE is an initiative of InnovatioCuris (IC) along with ScanBalt fmba and Swedish partners, Swecare and Business Region Gothenburg where the primary aim is to create a seamless access platform for the Indian healthcare stakeholders to the Swedish healthcare stakeholders, to strengthen the healthcare collaboration between Indian healthcare organisations and the Swedish organisations and showcase best of Swedish healthcare to the Indian delegates.
Under this, an Indian delegation will visit Sweden from May 20-24, 2019, however, to give a broader perspective, few delegates from other than India may also register. This visit will be a customized program basis the requirements of the delegation from India and Swedish offerings.
ScanBalt News
3 September 2024
LSX Nordic Congress 2024 | 8-9 October | Copenhagen, Denmark