International Food Symposium, 10-11th March, Canada – Member discount package!

International Food Symposium, 10-11th March, Canada – Member discount package!

The second annual International Food Symposium will take place in Canada, on the 10th and 11th of March.

The organisers have assembled an outstanding group of participants from four continents to discuss important Food and Agri-Business issues including experts from Brazil, Australia, the UK, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, the USA and, of course, Canada.

The impetus behind this year’s agenda is that Countries and companies have been ploughing huge financial resources into Food and Agriculture Innovation Strategies and the competition for the consumer has never been more fierce!   It is imperative, therefore, that the agri-food and food industry continually updates its knowledge base of global food, livestock and agriculture trends.  World events, global trade issues, expanding global markets, increased competition, corporate consolidation and better-informed and assertive health conscious consumers are changing global food markets.  Food safety continues to rate as a key issue for consumers and crop blight, BSE and nutrition issues are at the forefront of customer concern.  This agenda will address these topics and more.

To learn more, and register, please click here.

To go directly to the agenda, please click here.

ScanBalt is pleased to announce that the organisers have extended a special discount to ScanBalt members. Not only a25% discount on the registration fee but also an invitation to the pre-conference private VIP function, an excellent networking opportunity given the presence of government members and trade team representatives.

News Source: Colin Foran, Director, International Food Symposium

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