International Reintegration Grants,
aims to encourage researchers from the EU or Associated States who have been working outside Europe for at least five years to return to Europe to share their knowledge and expertise.
Supporting the cooperation and the coordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level (ERA-NET Scheme).
deadline 2 March 2004, 05 October 2004, 02 March 2005 and 04 October 2005
Governance, scientific advice, outreach and communication under the FP6 ´science and society activity. Under the Structuring the European Research Area specific programme.
Of specific interest is: -interchange of scientific information products (subject (a) of the work programme) ; European Science Week (subject (b) i of the work programme) ; science shops (subject © of the work programme) ; communicating European science (subject (a) of the work programme) ;embedding science and society in FP6 (subject (b) of the work programme) .
Deadline 11 May 2004.