Invitation to participate in a survey: Implementation and Diffusion of eHealth Innovations in Europe
The survey “Implementation and Diffusion of eHealth Innovations in Europe” is conducted by the innovation network ScanBalt, which brings together different stakeholders from different European countries and the department of healthcare management (chairholder: Prof. Fleßa) from the University of Greifswald (in Germany).
Our aims are:
1. Gaining a detailed overview of eHealth innovations and applications in the different European countries for analysing innovation processes in international comparison
2. Generating important content for the declaration concerning European Health Data Space under the French EU Council Presidency
The survey is addressed to eHealth experts in Europe for example working as healthcare providers, healthcare managers, policymakers, researchers, or product makers. You do not need to be knowledgeable in multiple eHealth areas. If you are an expert in one sub-area of eAdministration (electronic health records, electronic prescriptions, electronic referrals, electronic sick leave certificates, eHealth infrastructure) or eCare (mHealth apps, electronic consultations, artificial intelligence, telemedical stroke networks, Tele-ICUs or telemonitoring for heart failure), that is enough to take part in the survey. For the other areas, there is the answer option “I do not know”.
Based on the survey results, expert interviews will be conducted. The results of both will be available for interested persons and presented at different events/conferences. In March 2023 we will be part of a conference in Greifswald to present our results and organize workshops on this topic. If you are interested in the results, news, being part of the conference, or being part of our study as an expert in the interviews, please contact us via the contact formular on the right side of this page or via the contact below.
We would appreciate it very much if you participate in the survey. You make a valuable contribution both scientifically and politically. Participation in the survey will take approx. 20-25 minutes. In addition, we would appreciate it very much if you disseminate the survey in your eHealth network.
Vanessa Gieseler
University of Greifswald
Department of Healthcare Management
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