Job Announcement – 4 positions in the Bioprocessing Engineering Lab, University of Oulu, Finland
The following four (4) positions are open in the Bioprocess
Engineering Laboratory (BPEL) at the Department of Process and
Environmental Engineering, University of Oulu:
A bioprocess engineer´s position is available for an
engineer/scientist of biotechnology in the Bioprocessing R&D facility
of University of Oulu at Medipolis Center.
The successful applicant is practically well experienced in
fermentation of microorganisms (preferably for production of
recombinant/heterologous proteins) and eukaryotic cells (fed-batch,
chemostat) as well as in downstream processing. The applicant is able
to work under GLP conditions and to supervise our fermentation and
downstream plant and cooperate in research and industrial projects.
Additional experiences in molecular biology and/or analytical
techniques are of advantage.
Researchers (Postdocs, PhD students) with background/interest in
analytical biochemistry molecular biology or molecular physiology are
to be appointed.
The following areas are offered:
1. Physiological response of bacteria to industrial large-scale
processing (methods: 2D electrophoresis/MS, enzymology, RNA analysis,
2. Molecular physiology of biofilm formation in technical systems
(methods: fermentation, 2D electrophoresis/MS, enzymology, RNA
3. Development of a fermentation processes for a growth factor
(methods: cloning, expression optimisation, fermentation, downstream
processing/protein purification)
All positions are available immediately for one to two years (project
dependent). Starting date is at earliest convenience. The salary will
depend on the applicants qualification according to the University´s
current recommendations.
The deadline for the applications is 15.9.2004.
Please submit your curriculum vitae including the publication list
and full details of two professional references who can be contacted
prior to interview to
Prof. Dr. Peter Neubauer preferably by email ()
or by mail (University of Oulu, Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory,
Department of Process and Environmental Engineering,
P.O.Box 4300, FIN 90014 University of Oulu).
For further information contact Prof. Dr. Peter Neubauer
tel: +358-8-5532384
Visit the University Website here.