Joint session of ScanBalt and Health Cluster Portugal at Vitalis 2021, 18 May 15:30-17:00
Event Date: 18 May 2021
ScanBalt in close collaboration with Health Cluster Portugal is part of the seminar “Data sharing across Europe – cultural implications on the European Health Data Space” at Vialis Conference 2021.
“Data sharing across Europe – cultural implications on the European Health Data Space”
15:30 The ScanBalt Declaration: “Towards a European Common Dataspace in Health in the Time of COVID 19“
How it starts, who is part of, main pillars and what has been done during 2020 with the German Presidency. Handover for the Portuguese Presidency.
- Keynote speaker:
- Oliver Stenzel, Director Network Research and Innovation of Novartis Germany
15:45 The Portuguese view on the European Common Dataspace in Health
- Keynote speaker:
- Joaquim Cunha, Executive Director of Health Cluster Portugal
- Case studies presentation:
- Maria João Campos, Tecnology Information System Director of University Hospital Centre São João
- Peter Villax, CEO of Mediceus
16:10 How can European countries, with diverse cultures, jointly implement the ECDS in Health
- Moderator:
- Oliver Stenzel, Board Member of ScanBalt, Director Network Research and Innovation of Novartis Germany.
- Participants:
- Peeter Ross, Professor at Tallinn University of Technology Estonia
- Luis Menezes, Regional Director Portugal, Latin America and Middle East of Unilabs
- Luís Antunes, Full Professor in the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
* Declaration concrete measures:
- The foundations must be laid for patients and healthy citizens to be able to declare (and also revoke) their consent to Europe-wide data use (research & care) at the lowest possible threshold. This includes educational and promotional efforts.
- All European citizens should retain control over their health data according to GDPR and be able to share them in a secure way with authorized partners.
- Patients should be able to consent to the Europe-wide use of their health data for research and development purposes and thus help researchers in academia and industry to develop more effective early-stage prevention strategies, more precise diagnosis options and more individualized therapies.
- The EU must extend its harmonization and interoperability efforts to data relevant to promote research, prevention and personalized care.
- The EU needs a clearing agency for digital health applications in the fields of infectious diseases and control – under the umbrella of the ECDC
- To achieve faster digitization of hospitals incentive systems modelled on the US government’s “meaningful use” program are recommended
- To overcome the deployment gap of digital health in Europe, the establishment of a biennial research-based EU-wide monitoring report on best practice examples is recommendable.
*The Vitalis conference is the largest eHealth event in Scandinavia.