Kick-Off Meeting of the Baltic Fracture Competence Centre (BFCC)
The Kick-Off Meeting of the Baltic Fracture Competence Centre (BFCC) took place on the 21st and 22nd of April in Hamburg. The BFCC is a Baltic Sea region-wide collaborative project which got awarded with €3.6 M from the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme last December. It will foster an international approach to face the challenges of fracture management.

Kick-off Meeting am 22.04.2016
Foto: Markus SAcholz
“Treatment and prevention of fractures are important health topics of our time. 40,000 fracture based operation have been performed in Demark alone last year. The common goal of all project partners is to establish a transnational data base which will help to investigate questions at an international level and enable a quick and effective treatment of patients.” says Prof. Wolfgang Hoffmann (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Institute for Community Medicine) who is responsible for the development of the transnational fracture registry platform.
Over the next three years, 14 project partners from industry, universities, hospitals and cluster organisations will work closely together to develop and establish a transnational collaboration platform including a bone fracture registry. This registry will implement data from two existing registries from hospitals in Denmark and Sweden and four new registries from hospitals in Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany. The platform will enable to efficiently compare processes and results in fracture treatment across institutions and countries.
Dr. Hinrich Habeck (Manager of Life Science Nord Management GmbH): “I am glad that the project has finally started with our successful kick-off meeting. A very important aspect of the project is the close collaboration of industry and hospitals which has been initiated and discussed at the meeting. This collaboration is the basis of a Baltic Sea region-wide approach in fracture management and it will provide insights into a wide range of topics like post-operation infections. Furthermore it will foster the evidence based identification of clinical best practice and need for innovation.”
For further information about BFCC see here. For further information about the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme visit
BFCC is part of the EUSBSR flagship ScanBalt Health Region.
Dr. Imke Schneemann
Life Science Nord Management
+49 431 9089 6858
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