Leading British company started in Turku

Leading British company started in Turku

Amersham Health, a leading British provider of radio pharmaceuticals, opened a unit in PharmaCity. Recently founded Turku Imanet Oy is part of Amersham Health’s network of imaging research centres that in addition to Turku operate in London and Uppsala.

The founding of Imanet Oy is linked to the large research and co-operation agreement made by Amersham Health and Turku PET Centre at the beginning of the year. According to the agreement, Amersham Health will buy the fourth PET camera for the PET Centre, finance the equipment of a new laboratory ofradiochemistry and contribute to the costs of the new magnetic imaging equipment for Turku University Central Hospital. Moreover, the University of Turku was granted a five-year professorship of radiochemistry, which enables starting training in radiochemistry. The PET Centre will in turn provide Amersham with research services.

– Turku PET Centre is one of the best in the world, so it’s natural to invest in it. We also co-operate with CRST (Clinical Research Services Turku), says Ian Wilson, the recently appointed Research Manager of Turku Imanet Oy.

Turku as an international location

The company provides top-level imaging and research services for the pharmaceutical industry in order to enhance early-stage drug development. Amersham’s Imanet units in London, Uppsala and Turku serve clients around the world, but the operations also benefit the bio-businesses in Turku.

– Our international clients will visit Turku, so the city will become better known in the bio field around the world, Mr Wilson reminds. He has just moved to Turku and likes to live here except for the housing prices.

– My daughter started in international day-care, and we have adapted well otherwise, too. Finns are really friendly, says Mr Wilson who will live in Finland for the next two years, and adds then that for once he can be the only Wilson in the local phonebook.

The core task of PET Centre remains

The national PET Centre is a research centre jointly owned by the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University and the Hospital District of Southwest Finland. The co-operation agreement with Amersham will not change the core task of the national centre; the PET method is utilised in both drug development processes and examination of human illnesses. PET, or positron emission tomography, is isotope imaging with which the camera can find, for instance, cancer metastases, or it can be used to study the division of tasks between different parts of the brain.

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