There is life north of the EU core!

There is life north of the EU core!

There is life north of the EU core! The global economic centre marked out by London, Paris, Milan, Stuttgart and Hamburg remains central in the EU but the article also includes a supplementary map of ‘global integration zones’, one of the stronger of which embraces the capital cities of the Baltic States and of the four largest Nordic countries as well as Bergen, Gothenburg and Åbo. The Øresund Region is also included in another zone, which stretches down towards Hamburg and Berlin.

“The Nordic example show that growth can be generated without, for example, large numbers of headquarters of multinational companies. Even though a network of Nordic and Baltic Stock Exchanges has been set up, the volume of capital is limited compared to London, not to mention New York,” writes Erik Gløersen, a researcher at Nordregio, a Nordic Council of Ministers’ institution.

Let’s say farewell to the Pentagon-model, Erik Gløersen, Journal of Nordregio, no. 3 2006, pdf
Strong zones in europe - including the core area. (photo:
Strong zones in Europe – including the core area.

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