Marie Curie Forum for New Researchers – 6-7 May, Slovenia

Marie Curie Forum for New Researchers – 6-7 May, Slovenia

The Marie Curie Fellowship Association ( and Ad futura, Science and Education Foundation of the Republic of Slovenia ( are jointly organising the “European Forum for Early Career Researchers” which will take place in Otocec in Southern Slovenia on 6-7 May 2005.

The idea of the Forum is to bring together early career researchers and more experienced colleagues from across Europe, from across disciplines, and from a broad range of professional backgrounds. The event will also be of particular interest to people involved in science policy at national or European level.

The Forum will essentially consist of a number of workshops, covering a broad range of topics. Half of these will be of a practical nature, providing participants with training in transferable skills, the other half will be more science policy oriented.

Participants will also have the opportunity to present posters for sharing information about their research projects and other topics of interest to early career researchers.

The organisers expect about 150 participants. Marie Curie fellows (past or current) are especially invited to attend.

More information about the programme, registration procedure etc. can be found on the website of the event at

News Source: Marie Curie Fellowship Association

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