MedCoast Scandinavia, October Newsletter out
MedCoast Scandinavia, October Newsletter out.
New members in MedCoast Scandinavia
After a successful event and arrangement at Biotech Forum in Copenhagen, MedCoast has recruited many new members, both in Norway and Sweden. We welcome them and hope you will benefit from your membership.
Wireless Life Science Testbed and Network
Dag Ausen from SINTEF IKT has been engaged as project manager for the MedCoast project “Wireless Life Science Testbed & Network (WTN)”. Dag Ausen is senior adviser at the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia; SINTEF – the Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH). Dag Ausen’s first tasks will be to form a business plan, to expand the WTN-network and to increase the financing.
Oslo Bio releases new reports
Oslo knows BIO 2006 – The report gives you a fascinating insight into one region where all the various strands needed for a successful cluster converge. The report describes these strengths in detail, along with the general attractions of doing biotech business in Oslo, regularly cited as one of the world’s most attractive living and working environments. Contact Oslo Teknopol for ordering the report: sciences to aquaculture
Marelife report identifies aquaculture opportunities – The application of life sciences to aquaculture has been identified as a key priority for the Oslo Region. This major new report by the MareLife group launched at the Biotech Forum in Copenhagen last month details the unrivalled existing expertise and the challenges and opportunities. It concludes by predicting that successful development of the sector could lead to sustainable and socially acceptable exploitation of marine resources currently regarded as endangered. Contact Oslo Teknopol for ordering the report: introduction to Oslo Cancer Cluster
Ever since The Norwegian Radium Hospital was founded in 1932, the search for “the cure of cancer “has been the ultimate goal for the government, the scientist and the industrial community in Norway. Although the answer to the cancer riddle still lays somewhere in the non foreseeable future, Norway still defends its place as one of the most innovative countries in the world in the field of cancer research.
During the last decade the Oslo region has witnessed the birth of quite a few new biotech companies based on innovative research from The National Hospital/ The Norwegian Radium Hospital (RRHF) and the University in Oslo (UiO). Some of these companies have brought research results from the laboratory bench and all the way through the innovative/commercial process to the patient as medication to fight cancer.
OCC invites Life Science Companies and Academic Research Institutions in the Greater Oslo Region to join forces in establishing the Cluster and to work single mindedly in developing this collaboration to gather strength and support to reach our ambition and become the most attractive Research Based Industrial Cluster in Europe for Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment Innovations by 2015.
Activities in MedCoast projects and networks
7-9th of November, Göteborg
As part of the MedCoast Spectroscopy project, there will be a workshop on in vitro protein synthesis and a mini-symposium on new techniques in NMR spectroscopy. The arrangements are organised by the Swedish MNR Centre in Göteborg.
Copenhagen, 23rd of November, 2006 – “Building Open Innovation Platforms in Bioscience”
As part of MedCoast you are welcome to attend this one day seminar entitled “Building Open Innovation Platforms in Bioscience”. The seminar focus is on how European industry and academia can build the critical knowledge management and intellectual property systems to support successful open innovation platforms in Bioscience. For more information and registration, please look at:
Other activities
The Oslo Research Workshop 2006 on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Innovation Policy – a Look at SMEs
BI Norwegian School of Management, Olso, 9-10th of November, 2006
Location: BI Norwegian School of Management, Oslo.
Host University: BI Norwegian School of Management, Department for Innovation and Economic Organization
sponsored by The Research Council of Norway; and organized in collaboration with Gate2Growth – Academic Network.
Riksstämman and Medic Future – exhibition and annual general meeting of the Swedish Society of Medicine
Göteborg, 29nov-1dec 2006
Riksstämman is Sweden’s leading meeting place for the medical profession. The exhibition and the scientific sessions attracts a large number of physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, procurement officers, laboratory staff and others within the healthcare sector.
Specialist Sections: We are dividing the exhibition into a number of sections of specialist medical expertise and a large area for other exhibitors. By doing this we will create the conditions needed for more effective meetings. Exhibitors at the specialist sections also have the possibility to arrange their own seminar within the specialty.
Areas for 2006 are:
pulmonary conditions
Medic Future
Medic Future is a section at the exhibition for upcoming companies with interesting innovations and ideas with a lot of potential. It is a meeting place for scientists, entrepreneurs, established companies and venture capitalists, and a platform for business ideas to become a reality. For more information:
For further information about all events please visit
MedCoast is a Founding member of ScanBalt