New Brain Research Centre, Denmark.

New Brain Research Centre, Denmark.

The Lundbeck Foundation has given the biggest grant in its history for the creation of a new Brain Research Center in Århus.

At the end of last August Århus County granted about 125 mDKK for the construction of the center ”Dansk Neuroforsknings Center” in Århus Hospital. This will give the possibility to gather research groups and install several unique scanners.

On September the 20th communicated the Lundbeck Foundation their sponsorship of three new neurology research centers in Denmark. The biggest grant of these three, of 50 mDKK, will be given to a research group at the University of Aarhus.

Read more here. (In Danish).

News Source: Berta Villegas, BioMedico Forum. ScanBalt Webeditor

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