New EU Strategy to Create More Growth
The European Commission has presented a new strategy for the EU to create more growth and jobs. The strategy aims to revitalize the so-called Lisbon Agenda – the EUs economic reform agenda from 2000. The actions proposed today by the European Commission could boost GDP by 3% by 2010 and create over 6 million jobs. There is a compelling case for urgent action. Five years after its launch, the Lisbon Strategy is not on track to deliver the expected results.
To preserve the EU’s model of sustainable development for the future, the competitiveness of the Union must be strengthened, its economy must be dynamised. The Commission sets out a concrete action programme for the EU and its Member States to generate sustained economic growth and more and better jobs. It calls on Member States to launch a new EU partnership for growth and jobs at the Spring European Council (22/23 March).
Read more here.
News Source: Cordis