New ScanBalt Campus student council
New ScanBalt Campus student council Scanbalt Campus, one of Scanbalt’s major projects, aims at creating a pan-European educational platform linking universities, companies and other actors from the Life Sciences communities within the Scanbalt Bioregion.
Recently, the first ScanBalt Campus Office, the ScanBalt German Campus Office Rostock was opened as a direct contact point for students in this bioregion to start the practical realization of the ScanBalt Campus objectives by serving students to realize their borderless biotech education
The Young European Biotech Network Ltd. (YEBN Ltd.) is a network of young European biotechnologists and Life Scientists who are passionate about their own professional future and set out to promote their fellows through networking on a pan-European and world-wide level. Just like the post-genomic perspective and bio-technologies call for a reassessment of familiar cellular processes in a comprehensive, integrative and interdisciplinary way networking among students as well as investigators needs to enter the next level of cutting-edge multi-platform meta-networking alike.
Recognizing the potential the ScanBalt Campus offers to realize these aims within the ScanBalt Bioregion we are planning the realization of a Virtual YEBN ScanBalt Campus Satellite Office for promotion of the ScanBalt Campus, exchange of information and shared coordination of resources and events between the ScanBalt Campus and YEBN.
By integrating the YEBN and ScanBalt networks as well as by supporting and promoting the ScanBalt Campus project, we are hoping to contribute our part to put the Bologna process and the Lisbon objectives into practice within the ScanBalt bioregion achieving awareness of this role-model initiative throughout Europe in order to motivate other regions to develop similar motivations and initiatives.
The future looks bright!
M.Sc. Marc J. Brehme
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