Nordic Research News – New updates
Increased industry research investments in Denmark
The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy calculates Danish industry’s research investments to 25,6 billion DKK for 2003, which is up 5 percent from 2002. Sweden and Norway both note a decrease of the industry’s research investment during the same period. The proportion of industry research in Denmark now amounts to 1,84 per cent of GDP, corresponding to the level in the US and Germany, whereas the number in Sweden is 2,9 and Finland 2,5. The statistics can be downloaded from the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy.
Academy of Finland launches new centres of excellence
The Academy of Finland has announced its CoE programme for 2006-2011, with 23 centres in total. Dr Anneli Pauli, Academy Vice President (Research), says “The investments made in Finnish research have certainly paid off because it now enjoys greater international exposure than before, is more multidisciplinary than before and is nationally and internationally more networked than before.” All applicants to the programme were rated very highly by the international experts. Read more at the Academy of Finland website.
Danish ship loaded with researchers
In the summer of 2006 the greatest Danish research expedition in 50 years, Galathea 3, starts its voyage. The ship will sail around the world and is the base of several Danish research projects. Invitations to researchers who have expressed their interest have been sent out, and these and other researchers can apply to Dansk Ekspedisjonsfond by 2nd September 2005. More information and link to application form at Galathea’s website.
Norway launches new website for statistics and indicators
The Research Council of Norway establishes a new website for statistics and indicators. The objective is to provide updated information between the regular editions of the publication on Norwegian research statistics and indicators. Findings, analysis and conclusions from Statistics Norway and NIFU STEP will be conveniently presented and tables will be updated frequently.More news in English at the Research Council’s website.
Source: Nordic Research Board for the Nordic Council of Ministers