The North European Life Science Directory

The North European Life Science Directory

The North European Life Science Directory.

The North European Life Science Directory is a unique information and marketing tool for regional and national actors.

The database is operated and maintained by ScanBalt™ a not for profit association for the regional clusters and networks in ScanBalt BioRegion.

North European Life Science Directory includes more than 3000 actors in Life Science, R&D or Support: Companies, Research institutes, Hospitals, Clinics and Universities.

The directory covers ScanBalt BioRegion countries:
– Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
– Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
– Poland, North Germany, North West Russia

Get your own Interface – ScanBalt now offers to:
– Create your own window to the directory and integrate it into your website.
– Increase visibility of your knowledge and competences to the global life science community.
– Provide easy access to analyses, mappings and statistics
– Assist you in keeping your information updated
– Market your organisation

For further information please contact
Project manager Elise Kvarnström
+ 45 3532 4146


Lise Vinkel Clausen
+45 3532 4147

ScanBalt members: