Open calls: Seed money for excellent science and Scholarships

Open calls: Seed money for excellent science and Scholarships

Nordforsk open calls: Seed money for excellent science and Scholarships.

Seed money
NordForsk calls for applications for seed money from research groups in the Nordic countries and the adjacent areas (the three Baltic countries and North-Western Russia), with the objective of supporting excellent research at an early stage. The purpose is to identify and strengthen promising scientific initiatives that over time can develop into excellent research at the highest level. The underlying thought is that relatively small means can make it possible to develop new ideas to the point where they can be promoted on broader arenas.
Seed money

Course scholarships
NordForsk aims to bring together research training institutions in the Nordic countries, the three Baltic countries and North-Western Russia in order to strengthen the quality of research training.

Course organisers can apply for course scholarships to support the participation of external Ph.D. students in national or Nordic Ph.D. courses.
Course Scholarships

Deadline: 18 September 2006 (4 PM) 


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