Open position: Group Leader in Bioinformatics at Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Finland.
Open position: Group Leader in Bioinformatics at Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Finland.
Group Leader in Bioinformatics at Turku Centre for Biotechnology (the Centre), BioCity Turku, Finland, a jointly-funded research institute of Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku.
We are seeking an ambitious senior scientist and group leader to establish an independent research group at the Centre.
The position is funded by Åbo Akademi University for 5 years at a time and is renewable. A successful candidate would be expected to raise external funding and develop a line of independent research. The candidate would be expected to train M.Sc. (short projects) and doctoral students from Åbo Akademi and contribute to the teaching expertise at the university.
We will consider candidates from any area within the broad field of bioinformatics and encourage postdoctoral researchers and junior scientists with multidisciplinary and theoretical backgrounds to apply. We are seeking to enrich the breadth of expertise in bioinformatics within the BioCity Turku community; thus, a successful candidate would be expected to establish research collaborations where the candidate’s area of expertise could be applied to solve complex biological problems.
There are over 80 research groups (1,000 researchers) within BioCity Turku with a wide range of interests, including human receptors, immunology, cell biology, cell signaling, drug discovery, systems biology and medicine. The National Microarray Center as well as core facilities in proteomics and cell imaging belong to the Centre. The position would complement the Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory as well as bioinformatics research at the national laboratory VTT, and at the University of Turku.
As per the new university salary system, the salary of the post is based on the demand level and personal performance of the person employed. The demand level is in the range 6-8, providing for a base salary between 2,761.12 and 3,874.49 euro per month. In addition to the base salary based on the demand level, a share of the salary is based on personal performance, at most 46% of the base salary. Payment of the personal performance salary share is done step-by-step during the adoption of the new salary system.
Please send your CV, list of publications, a brief statement of your research and teaching interests, and contact details of three individuals that can provide confidential statements on your behalf to
Åbo Akademi University,
Domkyrkotorget 3,
FI-20500 Åbo,
The closing date for applications is January 10, 2007 at 16:15.
For further information, please contact
Riitta Lahesmaa
Director of the Centre
Mark Johnson
Chair, search committee
See also,,