Poland’s Council of Ministers has adopted a National Development Plan for 2007 to 2013, confirming the role that research is set to play in the country’s development. ‘Joining the European Union, we decided upon rapid development and modernisation. We are already using the opportunities provided by membership. We are using them well. However, tomorrow we should use them even better,’ said Prime Minister Marek Belka in a message broadcast on national television and radio. ‘In 2004 to 2006 Poland allocated no more than PLN 70 to 80 billion [17.1 billion to 19.6 billion euro] to development. In the period 2007 to 2013 we have an opportunity to allocate PLN 500 billion [122.4 billion euro]. That is without precedent in our history!’ the Prime Minister continued. Highlighting the importance awarded to scientific research in Poland, Mr Belka called for research investment to increase faster than growth: ‘We propose that the Polish economy be an economy open to knowledge, that spending on scientific research and development increase faster than economic growth, and that people have guaranteed conditions for raising their knowledge and qualifications.’ News Source: Cordis Rapidus
This web site focuses on the Communication “Investing in research: an action plan for Europe” adopted by the European Commission on 30 April 2003, aiming at increasing investment in European R&D to approach 3% of GDP by 2010. This action plan identifies ongoing initiatives relevant to the 3 % objective, and new actions to be undertaken at national and/or European level. It is complemented by a Commission Staff Working Paper.
Read more here.
News Source: Cordis Rapidus
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